

From Alice to the new Trump administration to the recent decision of TC Heartland, patent litigation and managing intellectual property strategies have shifted for U.S. companies and Taiwan companies alike. This seminar series will discuss what Taiwanese companies doing business in the United States should be aware of and how to best protect themselves and increase profitability in unpredictable times. Attorneys from Vinson & Elkins LLP will address recent key patent cases and their impact on patent litigation filings, recent privacy and cybersecurity litigation involving technology companies, strategies for licensing, selling and/or acquiring intellectual property, and emerging White House policies which may affect overseas companies doing business in the United States. The seminar will also discuss practical immigration and customs issues, including what you can expect as a business visitor and how to plan for it in advance. For the company importing goods to the U.S., we will cover the expansion of the authority of the ITC and the latest on principles of copyright and patent exhaustion. Included will be a discussion of new venue rules and how to deal with trade secrets and other claims arising out the hiring of competitors' employees, and an update on the seizure provisions under the DTSA (Defend Trade Secret Act).


從ALICE案(Alice Corp.v. CLS Bank International)、川普新政府上台,以及最近關於TC Heartland案件的判決,顯示出對於美國公司和台灣企業而言,涉及專利訴訟以及智財權管理策略將更趨於一致。
本次研討會將討論在美國的台灣公司應該注意事項,如何自我保護,又如何在瞬息萬變的市場中提升獲益。 Vinson&Elkins律師事務所律師將探討最近的關鍵專利案件及其對專利訴訟的影響,涉及科技公司最新的隱私和網絡安全訴訟,以及智財權授權、交易策略,與白宮新政策將如何影響到在美國的外國公司;研討會還將討論移民和海關實務問題,包括作為商務人士進入美國可能面對的問題以及如何提前規劃等;對於進口貨物到美國的公司,將說明ITC的權力擴張以及最新的著作權和專利耗盡原則;另也將探討最新關於選擇管轄法院的原則,如何處理雇用競爭對手前員工所引發的違反營業秘密和其他相關爭議,以及美國營業秘密保護法案(DTSA)中關於扣押規定的最新情況。


【主辦單位】中華民國全國工業總會Vinson & Elkins律師事務所







2017627日(星期二) 下午1:20~5:00

2017630日(星期五) 下午1:20~5:00


集思台大會議中心- 蘇格拉底廳










報到 Registration


開幕致詞 Introduction


Bridge Over Troubled Waters: New Challenges Facing Overseas Companies Doing Business in the U.S. Under the New Trump Administration
President Donald Trump has arrived at the White House. This program will address emerging policies coming out of the Trump Administration which may affect Taiwanese businesses. This presentation will touch on practical immigration and customs issues, including what you can expect as a business visitor and how to plan for it in advance. For Taiwanese companies importing goods into the U.S., we will cover the expansion of the authority of the International Trade Commission (ITC) and the latest cases addressing copyright and patent exhaustion principles. Included in the presentation will be a discussion of how to deal with trade secrets and other claims arising out the hiring of competitors' employees, and an update on the seizure provisions under the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) enacted in 2016.

Darryl Woo

Vinson & Elkins LLP




From Alice to TC Heartland: How is the Supreme Court Changing the Landscape of Patent Litigation?
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken up an increasing number of patent cases in recent years, and a number of the resulting decisions have had a profound impact on patent litigation in the United States. This presentation will examine a number of those cases, including Mayo and Alice, which dramatically changed the patent-eligibility analysis, Octane Fitness, which lowered the bar for recovering attorneys' fees, and most recently, TC Heartland, which limits where patent cases may be filed. The presentation will also discuss the impact of those cases on patent litigation and how to best position your company in current and future U.S. patent litigation.

Stephen Stout
Vinson & Elkins LLP



茶歇 Coffee Break


Watch Out: Privacy and Cybersecurity in the Context of Technology Litigation
Technology companies conducting business in the United States are facing increased data privacy and cybersecurity litigation. Consumers are demanding increased policing of cybersecurity by the U.S. FTC and other regulators to protect against potential data breaches. Such litigation cases involve a variety of consumer products, including electronic toys, wearable health devices, and vehicles. This presentation will review current changes in U.S. laws and regulations related to privacy and cybersecurity and discuss recent cases addressing such issues. The presentation will also discuss how to best protect your company from the risk of such data privacy and cybersecurity litigation, whether through product design or by implementing specific programs.

Christopher Kao

Vinson & Elkins LLP




Q&A Panel Discussion:
Where Do You See The Future of Patent Litigation and Managing IP in the U.S.?

主持人:David Tsai  /  Vinson & Elkins LLP (舊金山辦公室合夥人、台北辦公室聯席管理合夥人)
與談人:Darryl Woo、Stephen Stout、Christopher Kao



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